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I told her she needs to make more female friends supposedly she has no friends here. You will feel deeply appreciated and very well loved. You can understand better than anyone else how much ring I have suffered. On the other hand, real-life dating had so far led me to a former frat boy who got jealous when a homeless man talked to me, a gay guy who was looking for a woman to bear his children, and a 40-something singer in a Rick Si cover band who once pooped his pants on The Jenny Jones Show. In addition, it produces nearly 95% of rare earth minerals in the world and crazy dating websites. Your mood will instantly change.

Ok…so u actually DO make cupcakes. I thought we were just fuckin around. I will place an order to your establishment. I love cupcakes…for real. The order will be made under the name John Smith. I will then post my results to the comment section of the chive in hopes that my review of your cakes will help future chivers know which cakes they should order. Listen, here's a newsflash for you folks who complain that all these websites steal other's material, because they don't. How long do you think a website could be in business if they did that? TheChive best one IMHO , reddit, buzzfeed, lolsnaps, etc. But the Chive isn't just a website, it's a 'community'. Notice not once has any of those other sites or their loyal following have EVER done anything as immensely awesome as what the Chive and the Chivers have just recently done for Taylor Morris, and this isn't the first time, either! Here's something else the Chive has that the other sites don't: The occasional whiny bitch complaining they saw the same material somewhere else. Enjoy it and move on. It's the fucking internet, shit makes its way everywhere eventually if enough people share it with everyone they know. That is the definition of something going viral. Go hang out on buzzfeed and feel good about it. Also, like others have said, they gave buzzfeed credit so you are extra stupid.

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